Newbiggin by the Sea Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result- 23rd November 2023

Newbiggin by the Sea Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Result- 23rd November 2023

On Thursday 23rd November 2023 a referendum was held on whether to adopt the Newbiggin by the Sea Neighbourhood Plan. The result was a ‘yes’ vote (72 percent of votes cast compared to 28 percent voting ‘no’) by the Newbiggin electorate of whom 14 percent came out to vote.


This ‘yes’ vote means that the plan will be adopted and Northumberland County Council, as the planning authority, will use the Newbiggin by the Sea Neighbourhood Plan to help it to decide planning applications within the Newbiggin Parish area. It will also be used by the Town Council when making comments on planning applications.


Northumberland County Council is required to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan within 8 weeks. Once ‘made’ (adopted) by the local planning authority, the Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of the Development Plan for the plan area. In practical terms this means that decisions on planning applications in the town will be made using both the Northumberland Local Plan and the Newbiggin by the Sea Neighbourhood Plan, and any other material considerations.

A PDF of the Declaration of Result can be viewed on the following link: Newbiggin NPR Declaration of Result

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