Consultation – Public Spaces Protection Order for the Control of Dogs
Northumberland County Council made a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for dog control under section 59 of The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime & Policing Act 2014 in 2017. Section 60 of the Act confirms that the duration of any such PSPO shall remain in force for a period not exceeding three years, unless it is extended under the provisions of that section.
Rather than extending the existing PSPO, the County Council is now making a new PSPO to replace the same to take account of some alterations which do not fall within the scope of variations permitted under section 61 of the Act (principally the arrangements and definitions of “assistance dogs”) but otherwise the new PSPO will be of substantially the same effect as that currently in force.
Full details are set out in the below Notice of Consultation and the County Council welcome your comments via any of the methods shown in that Notice.