A new PlayZone is coming to Newbiggin!
What is a PlayZone – A Football Foundation PlayZone is an outdoor space for sport and physical activity. They are floodlit and usually the size of a tennis court of 5-a-side kick around area.
Where will the Newbiggin PlayZone Be – The proposed site of the new PlayZone is the skate park area adjacent to Newbiggin Sports and Community Hub. The reason this site has been chosen is because it is already an existing multi use games area (MUGA) facility that would benefit from an upgrade. It is in the heart of Newbiggin and adjacent to the Sports Centre. Please note -the proposed area is next to the Skate Park. It is NOT intended to replace the Skate Park.
The PlayZone should be suitable for the sports and activities that it will be used for. Decisions on design are led by you and the community. Your views are required by Sunday 19th March.
There will be an opportunity to have a chat about this at a local event on Tuesday 14th March between 4pm and 7pm at Newbiggin Sports and Community Hub. Refreshments/snacks will be provided.
Complete the survey Northumberland PlayZones – Have Your Say Northumberland – Citizen Space
For more information email nathan.fuller@northumberland.gov.uk